Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Katie Waissel buddy Gets the girl

But there was a significant omission from the smiling group, searched the shops in Covent Garden before samples - Cher Lloyd as you.

The four solo girls share a mentor in Cheryl Cole, but there are rumors that Cher has been gelling with your pals not yet.

It was reported that 24-year-old Katie in particular, has to struggle with Cher, 17, but Katie's mother Diana defended her daughter.

Diana said heat Magazine: "Katie's not Konfrontation.Sie is very diplomatic – if she was in a situation, would go away."It is about karma.She may not bad karma.

"But speak two different Menschen.Die 24 and think the 17.Ich learn how things in life to treat the older one."

View the original article here

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